Try using that CS a bit more, Dave...

A very common structure for a song is to sing the first verse and chorus, then repeat the verse for solos, and then sing the chorus to go out. Rather than just the short vamp sections, try recording the entire verse and chorus while you sing, then hit play, and off you go. Solo using the bender properly (not diving to it when you don't have a chord change to play), play a full piano solo, play more outside substitutions without freaking out the chord recognition, do a harmonica solo, anything you want. Because only the chords are recorded, there's still plenty of variety you can drag out of them.

Not to mention, there are a ton of things you can do with just a simple blues progression. 12 bars of playing the head's chords, then hours of fun jamming..!

It's a LOT more than a simple riff creator.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!