Originally Posted By: adimatis
Originally Posted By: Saswick
I was going to change my Pa600 and my VLT 1 for the Pa900 but was disappointed that the VH in the Pa900 was the old version not the one from the Pa3x so I opted for above set up, a few more cables but it works very well.



Not that I don't believe that, but is there a documented prove that the harmonizer is the old generation?
For sure it's not the full flagged vocalist that pa3x has, but Pa900 could very well be a simpler version, less voices, less effects, but still same quality.
Is there a solid argument against this possibility other than assumtion?

Check the manual for both keyboards, the VH in the Pa900 is exactly the same as the Pa800/Pa2x.



Edited by Saswick (07/21/13 11:04 PM)