Hi AJ,

Thank you for responding to my email query so promptly. I might just have to go for the SSD option, something I should have done long ago. a Normal HDD is just to fragile and the weakest link on the Audya, yet it is the very heart of it.

You know, God really shares His wisdom with us. Last night, for no apparent reason at all, I backed up all the registrations that I prepared for our next performances (I made no other backups to date since upgrading to Ajamsonic). I checked the file size this morning, 30MB. So it did save all my hard earned newly modelled styles with those. I spent countless hours on those.

If I did not do that, not even a new SSD would have saved me. Yes, it costs me more money, but all else will be back in place. Should I get a program that can fix my non working Hard drive, I'll now have three Hard Drives for my Audya. You cannot have more Hard Drrive failure protection than this. Plus I'll immediately start to back up those Ajamsonic files that I'm allowed to on a regular basis!

Keep well all my friends,

Make sure you'll fly forever!