This is a perfect post for stating how important it is for many of you to learn how to compose your own styles in COMPOSER. With the KN7000, you have the world at your fingertips. In all fairness, I can understand that this would not be an easy attempt by many if you don't have the natural ability to arrange. I have been more or less arranging since I was sixteen and writing songs at that age. I started by doing full piano scores of my songs. It was not only fun to look at my finished compositions but for someone else to play them other than myself. What a joy at the time to hear my songs played on the piano by someone else.

Years ago, when I discovered the Technics keyboards, it opened up my ability to really use this technology. Roger, for me this would be an easy style to create. Unfortunately, at this time, I don't even have time for finishing a lot of my own music because of other commitments. Do you have access to all the past styles in the Technics keyboards? Alec made them available and probably Bill has them on his website to download. Anyway, there is a good one that was on one of the earlier keyboards that should work for you. By the way, I think some of the best styles were in the KN1000. I remember bringing this style up because I have all these styles. Where it is, is a good question but you might want to do a little research by going through all the fifties and sixties styles. Personally, I never use preset styles in the keyboard. However, I do at times bring them up for inspiration of making big changes that make my own style. Speaking of, this is a good way for many of you to get acquainted with the COMPOSER section. Bring a preset style into it and start by making a few changes. You will be surprised by eventually being inspired and confident enough by creating your own styles.

Good luck Rog in finding the style you are looking for.
