Boo, Dave was on Steve's show in 1963. It was a live show. They talked live about time signatures and played duo grand pianos.

They played both Take Five and Gravy Waltz. I was too dumb to know what I was listening to, but did know that, somehow, that was the musical direction I wanted to go.

Years later, he actually sat most of a set on my B-3 bench and played oh so tasty fills on my Suitcase Rhodes (the one Uncle Dave now has-set up at 90 degrees from the B-3) while I played every jazz tune I could pull off, at the Imperial House in Lexington. He had just played at Center college in Danville.

This would have been in 1978 or 9. He came back to the area three more times and always stayed at the Imperial house.

Talk about a lifetime memory.

P.S. The Rhodes intrigued him, but he didn't think it was a
"real piano".