Please take a look at Lianne La Havas. In a matter of a few months, she has gone from $50.00 coffee shop gigs to opening for Alicia Keys, with Stevie Wonder and Prince in the audience, declaring her the best new female talent in 50 years. She was on the Craig Ferguson show last week and "killed"!

Because of her style, she'll never be a big as Brittany Spears or the like (thank goodness), but she's refreshing and phenomenal. Excellent musician and cute as can be. Hope she doesn't sell out and "follow the bucks".

Every time I worry about the new "crop" of young musicians and entertainers, someone like this comes along. Thankfully, they're out there.

And that speaks well for the future of the music business.


PS: Look for Au Cinema and Age on UTube.

Edited by captain Russ (10/11/12 12:04 PM)