Bill I've been to a dental school twice. It was very clean and professional. I would assume you would not have a greenhorn doing the work that you need. They only do cleaning etc. You would get someone near geaduation with experience. The instructors were always within 10 to 12 feet of the chair that I was in. Most people are vain like me and will wear their teeth. If you are vain you will wear yours.

I started with a one tooth denture when I was twelve. It got knocked out during gym class. I've had to have teeth added over the years and every time it took a few weeks to get use to them. You just have to do it. You just don't walk around the house all day without them and just try to wear them to go out for a few hours. Hey you gotta be tough to get old. You didn't look like a whimp to me at the jam when I was there. You can do it friend.

Go visit the school and talk to them. My wife called and made an appointment the same as calling a dentist to make an appointment. You've got nothing to lose by a vist.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!