I have been all through this years of neglect business years ago. I took the practical approach, as money was tight but I had to do something when one of my front teeth fell out.

I went to a local dentist for advice, and he advised me to pull all my remaining teeth except for my eye teeth, and fit a full upper and a partial anchored to the eye teeth, which he did a root canal on.

First of all, it saved me a ton of money, not counting future trips to the dentist.

Secondly, the biggest disadvantage of having dentures is the lower plate shifting. Even if you eye teeth are not saveable, you can put in two implants.

I know it is best to keep your natural teeth to a certain extent, but if they are too far gone, that is what I would do.

Just because your brother didn't wear his, doesn't mean you have to.

I have had mine for thirty years.

pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact