Originally Posted By: Scottyee
The advantage of the Chord Sequncer is that it allows you to record an 8, 12, 16, etc. bar chord progression "on the fly" while performing in auto accompaniment mode, and then have that chord progression played back repeatedly anytime during the song, freeing up the left hand completely to more expressively engage the modulation-pitch bend stick in concert with your live instrument solo (sax, guitar) played in the right hand; and then just as quickly go back to auto-accompaniment mode playing.

"Take Five"
Pa3X Chord Sequencer Demo:


Can you elaborate in simple terms, no more than three words, to a complete numpty like me what you said above really means.

I will have a go for you "I WANT ONE" much less time consuming.. party

Frankly the style gets on my nerves and as Tom says him and me just don't get it, if I was sat in the audience listen to it, how discerning
would I have to be to spot it and say to my Doris " Oh Doris can you here that Chord Sequencer in action, what a wonderful piece of technology "
Nope, me thinks not, it will be on the KMA one day, maybe an upgrade. wave

Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey