Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
A growing number of comedians seem to think the more they drop the "F" bomb on the audience, the funnier they are. I disagree. No comedian was funnier than Bill Cosby. He had a way with him that was incredibly humorous and NEVER, to my knowledge, used any profanity at all during any performance.

How about Johnny Carson, Jonathon Winters, Don Rickles, Milton Berle, professor Irwin Corey, George Burns, Jackie Gleason, Tim Conway, Lily Tomlin, Mel Brooks, Tim Allen, and a huge number of others that provided us with years of wonderful laughter till tears ran down our eyes. These people, in my opinion, were true comedians.


Gary cool

Johnny Carson and company were NOT ALLOWED to curse on TV...our government censored them. That may be more of a problem than some swear words.

On the flip side, George Carlin would not have been the funniest guy in the world if he didn't use the 7 words you can't say on TV. It just wouldn't be the same

I agree with Russ...civil discussion about a topic that have many opinions is a good thing. To each his own.
Larry "Hawk"

Hawk Music
Sadly No More frown

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