Originally Posted By: 124
So Ian, obviously you can't open up too much, but what are your own gut feelings about what Yamaha might have coming down the pipe? Do any of Bachus' musings/wishes strike a chord with you?

I honestly have no idea what's on the way with the next Tyros (or the S-series)...and I feel it will be still called "Tyros" as it is now a recognizable name like Motif or Clavinova.

Although I'm expected to provide input (and I am very grateful for that ability), I am still only a small spoke in a very big wheel, and I'm definitely not privy to what's coming up.

Personally, I feel that Yamaha has been trying to strike a balance with what I said earlier, with instruments designed for amateur and advanced home players, plus a smattering of professionals using them in their act, so changes will be, as they have been, more of an evolutionary type, rather than revolutionary.

I'm quite sure the same characteristic sound will remain, although, again, it may evolve, but not to where it starts sounding like one of the competitors; if it did, we wouldn't have a choice for what we want to hear coming out of our speakers.

Hopefully, some (or all) of the stuff Bachus has suggested will eventually appear on an arranger; whether it be a Yamaha or not, is still something that can't be answered.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.