In order for that to work, you must not go under the OHM minimum of the Carvin Amplifier. If the minimum extension speaker OHM rating is 4 OHMs, you could use two 8 OHM cabinets.

I suspect the Ohm minimum on a 100 ampere head is 8 OHM's, which means one 8 Ohm cabinet.

Check the OHm minimum on the back of the back of the Carvin and check the impedance on the Peavy cabinets. Volume does affect the potential for damage, but it's never good to go under the stated Ohm minimum.

I'll look at my "little greenie" tonight, but I've got a matching green Carvin extensi0n cabinet, so there's no problem.

You could do as Don suggested: Come out of the "line out" of another amp (use whatever speakers are appropriate for that), go into a channel on the Carvin, and use whatever speakers are appropriate for that. Then, you would be chaining the power amps and setting each one as needed. I use the Carvin with a Hotspot monitor, plugged into the extension jack, aimed my way for small jobs, and the Carvin with the extension cabinet plugged into the extension jack, plus a line out into a little Roland CM 30 monitor when I need a little more.

On the surface, two extension cabinets out of the Carvin is not a great idea. You may fry the power amp. It makes no difference whether you had two extension speaker jacks in the Carvin or "daisy chain" from one Peavey to another...same impedance issues (in most cases).


Edited by captain Russ (08/03/11 10:08 AM)