Originally Posted By: cgiles
So, after your delightful (for us) absence, you think the best use of your reprieve is to try to pick a (very safe) internet fight with me. What's the matter? The ethnic slur you threw at me yesterday wasn't satisfying enough? I'm not going to ruin a perfectly good thread by taking the bait. You can continue to do what you do best, spread your hate and poison from behind the cloak of the internet. Hey, we'v got enough of it over here already, you don't need to export any more. I'm not going to respond to any more of your threads and I hope you will do the same to mine.


Nope no racial slur in what I said, well none was intended...if you took it that way, well then that's your issue not mine..

And it was NO reprieve well certainly NOT in the manner in which you intended in your post, as if I am grateful for an morsels dropped from the SZ table!! Although I DID appreciate Nigel changing the status back to active smile

I did not really worry one way or the other as far as posting again, in fact I have been able to post for over a week now...and I had NO plans to make any posts until I read your hypocritical post re using mp3 files and audio tracks on your keyboard.

But I had to make some comment as it was these very things that you bag out other people for using and declaring anyone who uses them as being fakers.

I really don't care one way or the other about your personal issues with whatever race you are (I don't know and don't care).

PS: Nigel- This will be the last time I respond to this guy (as long as he stops criticising people for doing what they love/are very good at doing and then doing the very same thing he denigrates others for), so if you can leave this post up it will be appreciated, as at least it allows people to read both sides.