Brian, it would be my GREAT PLEASURE to work with you on sharing chords...words...anything. Just email me and we'll get that happening.

And John, I, too have noticed that we're sort of "joined at the hip" in terms of ideas, likes, dislikes. It's bad that distance keeps us from visiting as often as I'd like, but it's good that we can keep in touch here, and through private email. It would be a pleasure to hear from you....anytime.

Chico, I feel we are also so much alike. I cut my "musical teeth"
on bossa. With my trio (my son on bass-my grandson on drums) we play all the tunes I did on guitar bossa style. You are a kind soul, and I admire you as a good man as much as a fine musician.

I'd like to thank all here for making a really bad thing in my life a lot better.

It's not "fixed" but I'm working on it.

Best personal regards, always,
