Originally Posted By: kbrkr
You could learn a thing or two about being a gentleman and civility from us 12 and under posters.

Well that's not the worse thing I've ever read on SZ but it is one of the most arrogant. So I guess you see it as your duty to dispense morality lessons from your high perch. Scott posted an opinion; I posted an alternative viewpoint. Some agreed with me and some agreed with Scott. Some waited to see which way the wind was blowing before deciding to pile on.

Disagreeing with someone does not constitute being uncivil. I never said anything disrespectful to Scott or Nigel or anyone else, unless you count defending myself from Stephen's 'piling on' remarks. Again, read what I said in my original post and point out the 'uncivil' parts. And in the future, don't lecture me on civility. The only moral authority you have is what you have conveyed upon yourself. Stating my opinion in a non-offensive manner on an impersonal and subjective topic does not make me uncivil or less of a gentleman. It's very easy to label people that you don't like to begin with (which is the case here, I suspect). Live and let live, I say. You keep your opinions about me to yourself and I'll do the same for you.


"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]