Originally posted by vagro:
Guys when you upgrade the OS (something I see you do often), how do you save your home folder? Since I have more Ram memory in my old CPU I want to try the 3.3 OS. I have many MP3, VST and Giga installed and, just for trying this OS, I don't want to do all the job of configurating my MS again still considering the posibility of downgrading again in the case I doesn't work properly as it happened before. I don't have an external hard drive neither a Dvd writer in my MS but I can acces the MS from my PC.
Thank you.

PS I can't afford upgrading the hardware for the 4.2 OS yet.

[This message has been edited by vagro (edited 05-12-2010).]

save your Gigalibrary-video library-audio wave library-midi-midi songs libray-mp3 library-VST libray-Presets folder and you .wine folder(this is a hiden folder, and the only hiden folder you need to save)

you have O.S 2.8 it is debian so, if you like to upgrade to O.S 3.3 it kubuntu so you most format your harddisk. but with O.S 3.3 you have no MULTIPLE DISPLAY OUTS remember this. when you are finished with format and installation copy again your maps from your pc to MS but do not use the old presets folder, you need that only for down grade. for copy your .wine folder you most on your home folder menu select show hiden folders and then copy .wine folder from your PC to MS.

So everything inside your home folder to your PC, but h from iden folders only .wine folder.