sfz when USED IN OMB as a vsti, is only capable of loading 1 instrument. I tried it in multi timbral mode ( ie assigning various instruments 1 for each channel)& ended up with a jumbled mess, the only way I THINK it can be used is using it for a single track ie
vsti 1 channel 10 drums ( drum soundfont )
vsti 2 channel 11 bass etc ( bass soundfont)
I don't think it works the same way as dxi's do in OMB.

There is a SFZ+ dxi version for sale. Used to work in my old laptop, but doesn't work with my new dual core processer, notes keep hanging. Really dissapointing as it's quite a pricey piece of software.

xg & gm/gs easist way is to get an instrument list. Yamaha (xg based) roland ( gm/gs based) manuals are downloadable from the net, they usually have an instrument table in them somewhere.

It's your styles that need to be tweaked, not the soundfonts ( though that could be done too haa haa)
Usually it's just a case of adusting volumes or changing an instrument, but on occasions you can have an incorrect type of drum playing ie you may have a handclap whereas you should be hearing brushes, this is where the difference between xg & gm drum mapping comes in.
I actually own a psr 1500 & I even have to tweak some of my old Yamaha 9000 pro styles if I want to use them.

Another xgsoundfont (freebie xg bank) has xg mapping, also for some bizzare reason provitamin gm soundfont the drum mapping for it more closely resembles xg drum mapping as far as I can tell. http://www.reasonbanks.com/pvitamin_map2.html

Unfortunately I don't think Yamaha make an xg softsynth anymore. They used to have one , but the latency would have made it unuseable for omb in realtime arranger mode. The delay you got from pressing the key, to actually hearing the sound was far too great.

best wishes

[QUOTE]Originally posted by santantoni:
[B]. Thanks for mentioning the fact that soundfonts need to be tweaked to be used correctly with the PSR

[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 01-24-2007).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022