Hello SeadooGsx,

All the sounds in G800 are available in G1000 = everything you can play on G800, you can also play on G1000.

G1000 have a new soundbank with several new sounds and several new variations on sounds. If you play G1000 styles which uses this new soundbank on G800 then it wouldnīt recognise the sounds. This can result in that G800 chooses wrong instrument or no instrument at all. The styles from G1000 sounds therefore more or less weird on G800.

Some of the G1000 styles however uses soundbanks that are available in G800. These stylse work well (=sounds exactly the same on both arrangers).

You can also change the instruments in a G1000 style so it uses soundbanks from G800. This you can do either in G1000 or in G800.

With a little tweak, you can get the new G1000 styles to sound very good in G800, though not as good as in G1000 with the newer soundbank.

When I had my G800, I found some G1000 styles on the net which I converted with good result. Unfortunately I donīt have them anymore. (I have the G1000 itself since tree years.)

Regards, Michael