If you want the best and prefer 76 notes as I always do, go for the SD1 if your budget stretches, otherwise the XD9 is excellent. The VA76 is far slower to use in live situations than the SD1. I used to have a VA76 and wished I'd never purchased it. Having lost quite a bit trading it in after a few months, I'm now very happy with my SD1.
The Roland G1000 is also very good for a 76 note and can be picked up quite cheaply these days. Also, check out the new Genesys, KN7000 and Tyros. My Genesys is now on it's way to go with my SD1 and G1000.

Originally posted by xaxibao:
Thanks Uncle Dave
I heard that the XD9 is the newest Solton keyboard. Is it better than the X1? I just talked to a salesman and he recommend me to go for the xd9. Should I go for the xd9 or the s1?