Originally posted by Diki:
Just not sure, with chony's list of what he does and needs, why the PA2Xpro wasn't the right choice...

Excellent sampler, FAR easier to use than the Tyros. Full synth editing. Excellent VH and vocoder. And Korg lead the pack with many ethnic music styles (especially Middle Eastern).

Why NOT Korg, chony?

Good question ...

2 reasons:

- I bought a Pa2x, and just couldn't get used to the way it operates. I guess Yamaha has brain washed me with its ease of use

- I have countless programs, styles, samples already made for the Yamaha. The thought of starting it all over again always makes my stomach churn. I believe that my Yamaha programs are much better than what is available on the market for Korg. Hopefully I'll get around to posting some samples...

If I felt the Korg was so much better I'd make the switch, but I feel that when you weigh all the pros and cons of the Korg and Yamaha they end up pretty equal.

If only there was a keyboard with the rhythm section of the Audya, the sounds and interface of the Yamaha and the flexibility of the Korg.


[This message has been edited by chony (edited 10-29-2010).]