Originally posted by Bill in Dayton:
I intentionally used an abbreviation that would capture my emotion towards this while masking the overt crassness of actually typing out the phrase.

Bill, Bill, Bill. I'm not picking on you, because I know (from previous posts) that you're not a bad guy, but c'mon. Do you really believe that you're 'masking' anything? I don't know about anybody else but when I (and I believe, any other net-savvy person) see the expression 'WTF' in a post, I'm not thinking 'W' 'T' 'F', I'm thinking, 'What the F***'. It's not that I have a problem with it, I'm just saying, let's call it what it is. Hey, I only mentioned it in the first place because of the irony of using an 'objectionable' phrase to call attention to someone else's 'objectionable' behavior. You DO see the irony, right?

Tony, you know I 'luv you man', but are you implying that just saying the word, Taliban' is somehow wrong? Even on this rather conservative board, that's a little extreme, don't you think?

Fran, as for my being American, all I can say is 'two tours, honorable discharge, and a lineage dating back to 1619'. How about you? BTW, glad to see you comfortably settling back in with the same old bull.... It's nice to know that when some of our 'discussions' start to become too intellectual, there's someone to bring a sense of balance. I guess it must be a real chore having to put up your own posts these days. On a lighter note, how 'bout them Eagles (not that they're actually going anywhere). Talk to you soon, when I come up to visit. Our lunch date is still on, right.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]