Here's another factor. Unless we play (at a high level) the instrument we're trying to emulate, let's say sax, we don't think (musically) like a sax player. Without that, even with the techniques mentioned above, we won't fool too many people. As far as wind controller like the WX5, if I knew sax or flute or clarinet fingering well enough to make it effective, I'd just play the real instrument. The real thing would certainly look better on a gig. Just another opinion, but it is the reason I've never used an arranger on a gig. The other reason has to do with rhythm. I don't believe that there's any such thing as a 'pocket' with an arranger or a drum machine. Although you don't always get it, even with a group you play with a lot, on those nights when it does come together, it is pure food for the soul. I believe that when the whole group is 'in the pocket', it's not the drummer, or the bass player, or any single member. It's that rare super-interaction that happens (who knows why?) - and can only happen, between players who are on the same page at the heartbeat level. If you haven't experienced it, you won't know what I'm talking about, and if you only play arranger keyboards in OMB settings, you never will. As always, JMO.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]