Originally posted by Diki:
I guess you haven't noticed that Korg, Nord, Roland and Yamaha going out of their way to jump on the vintage bandwagon.

Oh, by the way, you might have noticed that, since we gave up walking to work (or riding buses bikes and carts) we have f*cked up the planet royally with greenhouse gases and can look forward to massive climate change.

That 70's stuff can stick it where the latest scam of glo-bull warming never shines...those dam dinosaurs and their creations of that other scam of Ice age..there's nothing unusual going on fainting sheep> In about 100years it will be revealed we were dopely just creating a source of income to fear preached messages,that were going to be amazed that was so highly accepted!.What your seeing out your window concerning Earth is merely just life evolving like a scratchy,hissless Boney M 8track converted to CD...will the future be found preferable with one single stringed violin replacing everything because well,old is good..perhaps bring back those old air bagged piano's where one could sweat up a storm to make a song of notes with beads of sweat pouring forth..because hey,old is the poop.

[This message has been edited by mr9000 (edited 09-18-2009).]