Ok, let's get practical here. Only 1 guy in 100, over the age of 50, is ever going to even come close to mastering the complexity of what I saw in the link in the opening post. Heck, I can barely remember what key a song is in, much less remember which of 150 buttons and switches to hit in the 3rd measure of the second verse while simultaneous playing the melody (or is it the chords?) with my right hand (dang, the button is on my right....never mind, it wasn't a button, it was a drawbar I was supposed to pull halfway out....too late now, that loop that was supposed to be playing now, is history and .....oh damn, I'm so confused (why is my audience booing?). Nahhhh, think I'll just stick to the organ.

When, where, who (except Nedim, of course ), would you be able to use this on a conventional gig, whether Country, Pop, Jazz, R&&B, whatever..... Is this intended for live use? Makes an arranger seem pretty tame by comparison, and most of us haven't even mastered those.

Although I realize that the 'musicianship' lies in the putting together of this kind of performance, I still can't help but feel that pre-programming performances like this and then reducing them to single button pushes, moves us further and further away from being live, performing musicians. JMO.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]