Everything written here says it all. It also made me stop to think of the many needs of so many different players. It’s impossible to get a “one size fits all” keyboard, no matter how accommodating a manufacture is.

My thoughts:

Why can’t we get all the “action” in a computer program? And then change “arranger software programs” as we see fit according to our own performance needs? Styles, sounds, fills, etc I can see sitting in front of a laptop computer controlled by a semi-weighted 76 note keyboard and a hardware interface for whatever buttons need to be pressed.

Or…..why not build an arranger keyboard in modules and let the customer order what he wants in his own personal unit? Not unlike building your own computer and deciding how much memory you want, how big a hard drive, what styles you want to purchase, what sounds you want included, semi-weighted or full weighted keyboard, 61, 76 81 keys, pitch and modulation wheels, popcorn machine, nail trimmer, etc.

I personally like the idea of modules as I would go for the Korg M3 instrumental sounds, the G-70 looks, the versatility and realism of the Audya, the complexity of the PA2xPro.
