Nicely put Trident...I let him have his slap and stopped it there as I would have knocked him out with my next slap, I'm not really the guy he wants to mess with, he's a figther behind his keyboard ! PC one that is not a musical one, a brave man knows when to call a truce , a fool does not know when to stop.

Here's me...lets see a picture of the fool.

Originally posted by trident:
Psychology for the masses....

Some scientists actually conducted an experiment, (saw it on a TV program) and measured the "perceived force" or something like that...

They had 2 people standing face to face, and instructed the first one to lightly slap the other, and they somehow measured the force delivered in the slap. Then they instructed the second one to slap the first with exactly the same force as the slap he received, and they also measured that.

Guess what, the second guy's response had more force than the slap he received, but he did not realise that, he thought he just responded with force comparable to what he received.

To cut a long story short, each guy in succession, hit the other with ever increasing force.

Now re-read the thread from the beginning and you'll see what I mean.