Originally posted by Diki:
Well, that's kind of how they all work, isn't it, Dan?

What I'm talking about is, maybe before doing your own tweaks, it might help to hear how Ketron voiced the styles, as to Part balances, reverb amounts, etc., etc.. And to do that, you probably need to call up Ketron's own Registrations, don't you?

If you pull a ketron keyboard out of the box and call up a style, you can view volumne levels, voice used etc.. So if you define a registration as how the manufacturer sent the keyboard from the factory, than we have a different way of defining registraion.

Registrations to me, means something that you created and saved to a registration. Not something the manufacturer has done.
Kind of a snap shot of your own personal setting. Each varitation would be saved to a different registration...

However, with Ketron you do not need to save style tweaks in a registration. You can over write factory settings or copy the style to a folder on the harddrive and than playback -tweak & save with no resgitrations being used.

Perhaps this clears things up

[This message has been edited by DanO1 (edited 05-09-2009).]