Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Hi Lucky,
I found that with the beguine style.
The first few bars suited the song perfectly, by the time I got to bar 8, something wasn't quite working.
I simply cut the style down to the first 4 bars & saved as a user style.

Editing functions on the korg PA800/PA2x are brilliant.

best wishes

Hi Rikki,

The more I read here, the more I’m starting to get interested in that PA2xPro again. I’m looking forward to another session on it, though, at this point, I’ll definitely wait until the Audya comes in.

That was creative of you to cut the pattern down. I hadn’t thought of something like that. So you can do that with the “editing?” Yes, everyone seems to agree that the “editing” features are A-1.

I think I already mentioned that I tend to be more of a player than a keyboard techie. Reason being, it forces me to play harder to overcome the lack of modern keyboard features. Unfortunately, I need to get back into “keyboard features”...my Roland is starting to show it’s age!

So what does one do with these new keyboards? You can take a “busy” pattern, trim it down to what suits my playing style, and then I would save it in a “user” slot? Would that be the general solution to these “busy” styles I find on recent keyboards?

I play a lot of Big Band and Fox Trots, but I also play a lot of styles in general. Although I play American standards and standard 50‘s, disco and rock, I also tend towards International music. I’ll play New York, NY and then go right into an Irish jig, or a Strauss waltz, or a polka, etc. Of course, this is dependent on the audience. When it comes to contemporary (R&B, hip-hop, etc) I don’t even try….I do DJ for that kind of stuff, so I’m not concerned with those style patterns. But I thought I’d mention this so you (and others) would have a better idea of my own needs in a keyboard (Diki talked about “personal needs” in the other thread).

With classic disco and rock, I’d prefer the styles to be busy so they don’t concern me too much.

Further thoughts from you? Or anyone on this?
