Originally posted by Diki:

But it fools the audience, especially, as Dennis did here, you play completely idiomatically. And THAT, not fooling the players of the real instrument, is the goal, isn't it?

I've been down this road before, but are we REALLY trying to FOOL our audience, or just make music that sounds good ?!? ... music that SOUNDS LIKE another instrument other than a piano kb, but are we FOOLING anybody ??? ... all anyone would have to do is LOOK to see that we are not playing a guitar, trumpet, sax, whatever ...
And as Diki said, most (99.9% ?) of our audience is NOT going to think - "Oh that fret noise didn't belong there" ... c'mon ... let's get real ...Unless you are trying to create a recording to have the listener really BELIEVE he/she is listening to all those different instruments (and I don't think too many of us will be doing that), as long as it sounds good, what is all the fuss about ...

t. cool