I'm talking about the material, not the instrument.

Frankly, I'm luke-warm, at best about the material I have to play to work regularly.

First, I'm not an entertainer, so I get my satisfaction from the playing part of the effort, not the entertaining.

Second, there is literally no way to play my preference; hard-line jazz, around here, and work regularly.

Third, the work is playing quietly, taking a back seat to an over-priced ham sandwich.

And finally, the only thing that doesn't drive me up the wall is playing "Cool Jazz", which, is often re-processed rock tunes, played with a slightly different attitude and approach. Think Masquerade, I Love You More Today Than Yesterday, Let's Stay Together, Here, There and Everywhere, Lady Blue and similar material. That's acceptible to me, but not ideal.

Don't get me wrong-I'm happy to be involved in the business. The reason this has come up is, I have a chance to demo for a manufacturer of a new amplifier and one of my favorite guitar manufacturers. Work would be at music store-sponsored work-shops and trade shows. Money is good, but the travel schedule would mean that my normal playing schedule would have to change dramatically.

After working for 50 plus years in the "trenches", this would be a major change.

Question: do you like what and where you play? Other than achieving instant star/millionaire status, what would you alter to make your involvement in muasic more fulfilling?
