Originally posted by miden:
Sorry Diki, not true.
They can also be set to trigger immediately.

There switch to change it. Factory default is one bar in advance.

What I didn't get, was that on the module the arps can be triggered by a footpedal, obviously as there are no buttons, but why Yamaha have never allowed this on any keyboard Motif (any series) is beyond me.


There are a lot of pedal inputs perhaps it can be assigned to one of them. AS a live keyboard using ARPS IM not sure unless the Drummer is on a click how any Arp would be in sync. As an OMB the Motif is easily replaced by the Tyros or 900. IN that regard the fills will step in on the proper beat in the measure.

Seems to me the board is deep enough to do anything one would need. I'm guessing few people other than Bartmans get deeper than 2/3s of capabilities.Most people get as far as they need then play in that sandbox.

I have never actually created sound sets from a waveform. I bought modules because they already had the sound sets I wanted. Sound designing is a reason others buy synths, Thats want they love and their reason for purchase.

One thing I am looking forward to is creating sequences onboard then sending them to the DAW without jumping through the tyros hoops as a Master Keyboard.

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 02-26-2009).]
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo