Originally posted by Ketron_AJ:
Hard Drive/USB ------> Compressed [12:1] ------> Audya RAM.

So yuo're telling me that the 36MB Stereo piano instrument when loaded into RAM will take only 3MB? PLEASE.. don't be fool... this is somewhat not possible for at least 2 reasons:
1) Lossless audio compression at 12:1 is pratically impossible, you can achieve 12:1 ratio with lossy compression algorithms like MP3 but you'll have a noticeable loss of quality in sound at these high ratios.
2) If this would be the case I could load many supersolo sounds on audya's RAM, instead when loading big files (like the stereo piano) I can barely load 2 or 3 of them before getting out of memory. I tried this on the Audya I had for experiments, so I know what I say...
Note that I tried os ver 1.0, but I don't think they added this "compression" to 1.1.
Do you want to prove it? Simple: make a video where you load the following 3 sounds together:
These together are around 96MB in size, if they would be compressed at 12:1 they would take 8MB and could be loaded together.