Even blind people can listen to online demos and decide for themselves which sounds most real. I should know, I'm blind, in fact, I'm on the midimag list with you. But why ask people about real sounds? Ask about features, usability, anything but sound. If person 1 thinks Roland is most real, and person 2 thinks Yamaha is most real, and 3 thinks Ketron is most real, what have you learned? Besides that, nobody has the most real everything. So Roland has the most real piano sound, but Yamaha has more real guitars, and Ketron has more real drums. But other people will disagree with that assessment. Plus, I've had some first hand experience here with how well people can distinguish what is real and what isn't, so that's one area I know better than to get others' opinions. I just don't think you're gonna have much luck getting actual useful help.


[This message has been edited by FAEbGBD (edited 01-30-2009).]