Originally posted by hellboy44:
I liked David's demos - good clear voice, and his playing in his solo video was choice!

I think we've got our usual mix of honest criticism and extraordinary bluntness here - nothing new.

Here finally is our video demo:

It's Youtube quality.... our DVD demo has MUCH better Video quality and sound sync....but you get the idea.

I'm interested in a constructive critique, though if I get the "other kind" I'm quite strong enough to deal with that these days too.

Hellboy......that's one heck of a great demo you made. I'm really impressed. I can see that the two of you put a lot of effort and hard work into your act. I already said in another reply "great selections, great musicianship," and...it appears a great time had by all!

If you consider this as not "as good as it could be," I can't wait to see your "finished" product. Your videographer and web designer are Numero Uno's. This demo is the first one I can actually say inspires me to buy a new keyboard so I can do what you guys are doing with the pop classics.

You asked for a critique, but the only one I want to offer is: I think it would suit you to sing "Sway" in a higher key. Other than that, I really enjoyed watching the whole video. And tell your partner she did a great job on Blue Bayou. It's one of my favorite tunes, so I'd like to hear her sing the whole song. She has a good voice and you both have good rapport with your audience.

This thread brought out two new musical stars: Hellboy and David McMahan.
