Windows 7 should be out in 2010 (Beta versions should be out in 2009) so Vista will soon be obsolete (Fortunately)

Vista was a nice idea, but even Microsoft admit it was a complete cock up, hence they moved a lot of the design teams over to Windows 7 to bring the launch date forward.

We have both at work, and so I can use both, but there is no way I would change permanently to Vista. (The workload of sorting out problems with Vista dwarfs the problems that occurred when we updated the systems to XP) (Most of the staff at work has Zero compliments for the way Vista works)

Best thing is to try both and see which you prefer. (Just remember there is still a lot of hardware that won’t work with Vista)


English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).