Just as an interesting Sidebar:

We've recently purchased a new vocal Mic for my wife (an AKG D7 - a close relative to the respected D5) and she's having trouble adjusting, too explain -

She previously had an SM-58, which of course either eveyrone has, or has used one at LEAST once, but it's just not cutting the Mustard anymore, too boomy, lacking in clarity, and, let's face it, is (essentially) 30 year old technology, and compared to the quality and detail of the D7 - a Dynamic mic that has more of a Condenser mic quality - it's like singing through a boomy sock when it's all said and done...

So what's my point?

Well I don't know if it's been said before (hell, maybe I've mentioned it in this very thread) but one other thing about the Bose: it is a fairly transparent PA, and doesn't really do much to colour the sound, so you will hear with much more clarity (a) your voice (b) your playing (c) the general sound quality of your equipment, so please be prepared for that Dennis. Some people would hear themselves and not really like what they hear (hell, I'm one of them) and if a singer the caliber of my Wife feels a little uncomfortable with the jump in clarity - particularly with the AKG mic, (you'll just have to take my word for now that she's a decidedly above average vocalist) then it's something for all of us with a Bose (ME in particular!) to consider - this system keeps you on your Vocal and Musical toes, and some people may not like how they *really* sound...

(Please take this post in the spirit in which it is intended, I'm probably a very average vocalist and player compared to some on this board....)
God I hate signatures.

