From the perspective of some who prefers the the more polished sound of the Yamaha:

As someone who uses the Tyros for songwriting and recording purposes only, I like that it sounds more CD like. I would not use it for raw rock or dance stuff though. Think Michael Omartain and David Foster productions and mixes.

I can concentrate on the vocals more and less about the mix in the mastering process. All tracks are equal in frequency and volume already. The instrumentation in my opinion sounds more like it was recorded in a $100,000 studio. Having had the Korg PA2x for a few months and a Trtion as the center piece for years I welcome the slick sounding samples and styles of the Yamaha.

I bought an Arranger because I wanted to spend less time polishing mixes, keep them more consistent with each other (as one finds on a 12 track CD) and more time on vocals. Also because I like acoustic sounds and use them a lot and in my opinion ion no one does acoustic sounds better.

For live use I can't offer an opinion. My wife is the OMB live player in the family. She uses the Tyros for tracking certain parts then takes an 88 key piano and her guitar on gigs with a CD of certain tracks from the T3. Her live playing of a Roland RD700 piano and guitar erases any "too CD like" issues with Tyros. She might only use a Drum part in a song and kick left handed bass, Or she may use the style without the guitar and play that part live. She never uses just the Yamaha for a backing track like many OMBs. She will not take any less than 88 weighted keys with her. She doesn't care for synth keyboards. Weighted keys are important to her.

Its all about what one prefers. IF you want a more raw in your face sound the Yamaha is not a good choice (as there their acoustic pianos are not a good choice if you don;t like a bright piano out of the box)

Yamaha Arrangers and Motifs have a signature sound as does Roland and Korg. That's Yamaha is the only major Arranger maker that actually makes real pianos and samples their own instruments.

If you are a live player and want to carry only ONE keyboard the PA2x is the way to go. I cannot speak to the G70, never owned one.

If you like slick sounding polished CD mixes like you would find behind Adult Contemporary Artists the Yamaha delivers.
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo