Does anyone know the weight and dimensions of this monster? If I'm correct, it's not a unit that you carry under your arm and go from job to job? I'm suspecting you will need a separate Rock and Roll cart just for the keyboard itself?

Also, I notice the modulation wheels are not conveniently located (for me at least). I do a lot of pitch bending and I think I would end up with Tennis Elbow. The older keyboards had wheels at the extreme left end of the keyboard where you could hang your hand over the side.

I've been playing the waiting game for a couple of years now to see what the Ketron merchandise lineup would default to. If I'd have know all this would be happening with the Audya(delayed release date, exchange rate going up, no demo units in the stores, size and weiight) I'd have bought myself an SD5 when they first came out for much less than it's going to cost me now.

So...what does someone think? Too big to be carrying around? More for the recording studio?


[This message has been edited by Lucky2Bhere (edited 08-19-2008).]