I completely understand, and have said for quite a while that if you want great coverage in a room, even sound all over, the Bose's are excellent at this. But if you are more of a featured act, and need high volume close to the stage and a quick drop-off after that, and that 'impact' up close, where the majority of your audience is standing/dancing, they work against you...

Contrary to what some Bose users try to tell you, there ARE venues and audiences that WANT it loud and in your face on the dancefloor, and usually those venues want it quieter once away from the stage. I don't see how this is achievable with a PAS system...

And c'mon, guys... How come EVERY negative impression HAS to be someone not operating it right? Does this mean that everyone that has a negative impression of my G70 is just a lousy player?

Didn't think so....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!