Originally posted by Stralner:
First, the Oasys is as a live as ever. It does not need a hardware upgrade, sorry folks you are dead wrong.

The Oasys knoks down any vst. synt on the market today. You make it, the o will do it better.

There will be an Os upgrade again, bigger than any other they have ever come up with.

And for those that keeps telling that the O is dead...If Korg didīnt say it, then itīs bullshit...and you know it.

The O will be even stronger than it already is. And Korg can build on it for years.
Itīs Linux based...Means it is SO overpowered with what it only has today.

Having owned a Oasys I can say first hand it was by no means the mother of all workstations. As a real time performance synthesizer it was fantastic but the sequencer and audio recorder were a joke considering the relative cost of the Oasys. Korg could easily have fixed much of this with software updates but sadly that never happened. Instead Korg chose to dedicate software updates to new sound sets and a few bug fixes here and there. In a few years time you'd think Korg would have made the Oasys the powerstation it could have been but that never came to fruition.

Contrary to what you wrote the Oasys is hardly overpowered and would require a hardware upgrade in order for it to add extensive features that currently aren't present. While some software updates aren't CPU or RAM intensive certain functions are and would seriously hinder the Oasys without a hardware upgrade. That's true for any instrument that tries to run such CPU intense code be it Linux or Windows based. In the world of computer based software emulation there is no such thing as overpowered.

As for the Oasys knocking down any VST synth. Give the Sonic Core/Creamware products a listen running dedicated VST's. This combination is easily the most realistic emulation of analog instruments I've heard to date. The dynamic range and tone are second only to the analog synths they emulate. The same can't be said for most VST's.

There probably will be a new Oasys in the future but it won't be a software update for the existing Oasys. Korg will most likely introduce an entirely new system based on newer architecture rendering the old Oasys a rhelic although a usable one at that.

[This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 09-24-2008).]