Hi Chony,
sorry , wouldn't have a clue. My wording might have been a bit misleading.
I just assummed Diki was refferring to something a bit more upmarket like Sonar or Cubase.
Going back , the top of the line sequencers used to have the better editing facilities.

Nowadays I just use Powetracks 12. Pretty much does everything I need. Trying to upgrade my old Win95 cubase to current standard was just too expensive.

PT12 will lengthen notes, it's done by specifying a percentage. Bit of trial & error though getting the correct % so that a piano arpeggio will play back smoothly.
The one thing I really find usefull, is that it can split up a drum track into individual drum instruments. Snare on one track, Hi hat on another etc etc
Makes editing velocities or reassigning drums from one type to another so much easier.

We might need to ask Diki which of the sequencers will do what he mentioned.

best wishes
Originally posted by chony:
Can Cubase do this?
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022