Hi Mo:

I had planned on giving a testimonial but it got away from me. You'd think a guy home on sick leave would have all the time in the world! And yes I do, I'm just trying to do everything I don't have time to do while working an 8 to 5 day job.

Hey SZ folks Mo's CDs are definitely worth your purchase. He's a talented jazz musician, make no mistake about it. You can bet I wouldn't have a day job if I played the way he does. On first listening to the CDs the one called "We is Us" was my favorite, but after listening a few more time it's a tie for my favorite with the CD called "Me and My Nino." The selections on " Me and My Nino" are more in tune with what I like listening to. But, " We is Us" is reminiscent of a band I heard in my early 20s while in Miami, hence "We is Us." being my favorite first time around. The band was led by a guy name Joe Donato. I'm including the e-mail exchange with MO that shows what a small world the internet has put us in.

Steve writes:
Hi Mo:

Got your 2 CDs autographed copy and all. Thank you.

I'm sitting here with my laptop and just transferred the music to my iPod. Nice stuff for sure. I just love "Siboney" so far my favorite. I'm sure I'll have others once I give it a good listen. Very unique vocals, I enjoyed them.

In 1976 I took a cross country trip with my late cousin. We were both 24 years old took leave of absence from work and went on the road for 11 weeks. We met a couple of Miami University girls who happened to be music majors. Later that evening they took us to a hotel lounge near Miami International to listen to music. The guy who was playing was Joe Donato, he had this big guy with him that he called "Big Bamboo." Not only were they great, but your "We is Us" album reminds me of Joe Donato's performance that night.

Mo replies:
great story...
I visited Miami regularly in the 80’s from NY to see my parents.
(didn’t move here until 93) went to as many jams as I could.
Met Joe Donato then..he had his own club for a year near airport..i sat in.
He was HUGE here in the 70’s and 80’s. u have no idea how big.
a frikkin institution, every important private party date...

I had my own club 93-98 and Joe was still my top 2 drawing local,
even up with the legendary Ira Sullivan . Joe mostly teaches now, plays some..
Ira mostly does an occasion concert..he’s 75..both play better than ever..

Songs from " We Is Us" brings me back to that night in Miami. if only in my daydreams

I highly recommend the CDs you won't be disappointed!!

[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 02-04-2008).]