Just a curiosity question...

How many of you feel you have a good working knowledge of most or all of the features of your present keyboard?

I look at guys like Fran and others, who seem to be incredibly knowledgeable about their keyboards. They use them to their greatest capacity and potential, getting their kbd to work for them - and in return the kbd becomes a valuable tool, producing the music the player creatively envisions.

Those of us who are hobbyists may not take the time to realize the full potential of our kbd since it's more our hobby rather than our profession.

All that said - have you ever felt that you've outgrown your board - exhausted its use and were ready to move on up to the next level?

(Personally, the last time I ever felt that was with a little Roland EM10 - haha) Ever since that one, I feel I've only scratched the surface of the potential of every board I've had the privilege to own.

In a way, it's a shame, because I feel a need to grow into my keyboard - get more proficient in playing. But all too often I hit the wall of inability. Too bad there's no "Arranger Keyboard 102" or "Making the Most of Your S900" classes to help guys like me to improve. I think, for me, it probably is more of a musical ability rather than merely a mechanical know-how, but the two are inter-related when it comes to arr.kbds.

Sigh...OK, I'm done.

[This message has been edited by CoasterTim (edited 12-19-2007).]
Tim Schaeffer

YAMAHA CVP-509 / Korg Pa300