Steve is correct. The Motif and PS2000 sitting here go 32.5 inches across the 5 octaves. The PA80 goes 33.5 inches over 5.

I don't seem to have a whole lot of trouble making the adjustment from the PA80 to the Motif and occasionally I stack them and play them simultaneously, but I do notice the difference when I'm playing, even if I'm not always aware of it. I seem to be able to adjust ok. The thing I can never get used to is the key feel of the 2000. It's horrible, and I would venture to say that my two octave, 30 dollar magnus chord organ from the 60's had a better key feel( ok ..that probably translates to 150 -200 dollars today ). I wish Yamaha would use the same keybed on the PSR's as they do on the Motif.. maybe Steve can tell us why they don't, although my uneducated guess is that it strictly has to do with cost.. Still, a 200 dollar casio ( or it's radio shack clone ) has a better key feel.. just not the rest of the goods to go with it.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 09-19-2003).]