lets clear up a few things...firstly the Pro mega 2 and 3 use piano PHYSICAL MODELLING...not sampling..which makes it the best (with daylight a clear second and third) digital piano, and whilst the big three continue to used compresses samples with shitloads of DSP, it will always be so..the point made about it not havinf the range of sounds is valid, BUT it IS a digital piano first and foremost, not a synth..you guys really need to do yourself a favour and check these out, form half pedalling on the damper pads, to sympathetic resonance, to oh goodness lots more...i am sayinthis as a person who has owned and played X8, Korgs and yammi's, in the piano stakes, its a no brainer..kurzweil's imho ar laughable when compared in an A/B test, plus theres all that shit about their tie in with young chang and the very real possibility there'll be no support when the bite the dust.....wazza if piano playing is your gig, you gotta get the promega 2 (if you like a slightly faster weighted action) or the 3 if you prefer the concert grans sorta feel, wieght and damping...