I like working with my AJ2006 system enough now that I'm pretty sure that if Bandstand doesn't fit the bill that I'm going to bite the bullet and try to create an even better soundfont than SGM180.

I'm certain this will take a lot of work and quite some time but the one thing about Soundfonts is that it has been my experience that they accept bank and program changes flawlessly each and every time.

I'm not an expert, but I do have some experience with sound design and sampling, and I'm sure I'll acquire even more by doing this. I might even pick the brains of some of the SF2 player software developers, because if it turns out to be a really good soundfont, I'm sure it will only benefit them in the long run as well. I'd really like to sit down for a few hours with a Tim Conrardy, but that is probably asking a bit much and something I wouldn't expect to happen

I might even turn it into a very inexpensive commercial offering if it turns out really well, but even if I do, I'd still give it freely to my buddies here at the 'zone with the understanding that it isn't freeware to be shared.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 11-10-2005).]