Hi all,

probably I formulated my review too critically, because I was very disappointed after last weekend. I did not want to say that the PSR 9000 is a bad instrument. It has very nice features, perfect voices, superb styles, but on the other hand, it also has small disadvantages, about which you experience only from the players.

I would NOT say "Do not buy PSR 9000" (Sam, it is too steep) I would say: "Try the PSR 9000, but keep in mind, that no keyboard is without flaws."

For DonM:
There are two Fill-Ins (Fill-In Up, Fill-In Down), which automatically change the variation. But there are many songs, where e.g. 'Break' is suitable by changing the variation. It is very often used by playing with Music Database (that is really a great feature: for one and half week I arranged no own registration, I have been playing only with Music Database). E.g. the song 'Sailing' consists of three parts (3 various registrations). If you want to change from one registration to another, you have to push a Fill-In, otherwise the accompaniment changes abruptly in the middle of the measure from silent to orchestral. If you press Fill-In and change the registration too quickly, Fill-In is cancelled and accompaniment changes from silent to orchestral (if it happens with some 3/4 beat songs I have to wait fot the next measure, otherwise I would not be synchronized with the accompaniment).

For Alex K:
The PSR 9000 has something as Roland's disk link - it is called "disk direct". You can play styles "directly" from the disk (the style is loaded directly into the style memory instead of to the flash memory). And another perfect feature: you can choose another style from the disk while playing the old one. Even by loading the old one will not be interrupted, after loading the new one fluently continues playing accompaniment (with the same tempo). A great feature!!!

For Per Ostrup:
You told me the same as I heard from the Yamaha hotline's man: "You should be happy, that at least 90 styles can be load. It is more than in another brands!"
My feet!! And what about e.g. X1??! X1 can hold 200 user styles if you buy 4 MB Flash Card. But they write about Flash Card in the documentation!
Fill-In: Per, you should know, that if you push "Fill-In Down" twice resp. three times, you can change directly from A to C, resp. from A to D.
But, please do not tell how should I play. If I want to change with "Break", do not tell me, I should change with "Fill-In Down"!!

I sent a fax with a description of my remarks to the Yamaha hotline and I am very curious if my complaints will be considered in the next version of the oprating system.
I will inform you.
