I think they should roatate it all around the country to the major cities from Seattle to Miami.

More importantly I think they should extend them for a couple of days and have them open to the public. It would be the only place that we could get a look and try of some products and an explanation of how they work. Many products that come out we never see hit the shelves in our music stores.

On top of which it would be a great sales tool for the companies to get customers to go in to their local stores and ask for the product. Much like we see all the drugs advertised on TV now....."ask your Dr." it makes sense to me. Not to mention by having paying public come in would help keep the cost down for vendor spots by defraying some of the expense. I sure would attend and buy one of those crappy over priced hot dogs for lunch. With the $4.00 soda too.

jam on,
Terry http://imjazzed.homestead.com/Index.html
jam on,