A few posts back Don Mason mentioned that Korg makes styles available on their own website. This is true. In fact : Korg, on it's own PA80 website posts links to sites that include it's styles from the I series. In addition, Korg has made freely available style conversion software for the PA80 and all of their styles from the PA80 remain freely available for anyone to download as part of the basic OS package. Ok, they don't tell you at the website specifically that their factory styles are part of a package for the OS that is easily separated, and then played and / or modified on the style conversion software, but one does not have to be a brain surgeon to figure it out and I'm betting that Korg is smart enough to
realize that anyone can easily figure out that they could get their styles in this way and convert them to midifiles and then from there convert them for use in other boards. Hey, even I figured it out, whichin itself is proof that anyone else could too.

Will Yamaha's actions prevent me from EVER buying one of their products? I'm pretty emotionally charged after reading all of this, so if I was to base my response on that alone my answer would be YES,
it will prevent me from buying ANY future product from them. Experience however, tells me that after I think the whole thing through, at some point MAYBE that will no longer be the case. It will ALWAYS, however, be one of the things I remember and take into account when considering a future purchase. Considering I never thought that Yamaha's styles or sounds were the best of the lot to begin with, in light of this development it certainly doesn't look like I'll be considering or recommending another Yamaha arranger again.

"Korg" AJ

[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 01-29-2002).]