Three basic set-ups:

*MS 60 Ketron (Learning curve on SD-1Plus in progress).
*Hammond XB-2
* Goden nylon string
* One or Two yamaha or Carvin 200 watt 6 channel stereo PA Heads.
* SM 57's
* 2 to 4 Carvin 12 cabinets.
* Hot Spot monitors.
*Motion sound top rotor unit.
(option-small inside jobs-Carvin three channel "green" self-contained pa/acoustic unit-sometimes with 12" matching extension cabinet).

Permanent country club (old school) rig:
* Hammond B3
* Suitcase Rhodes
* Carvin 15's, 200 watt head.
* Goden nylon string.
* Audio Technica mike.
* 147RV

Guitar jobs:
* L-5, 335 or Parker-fly, plus Goden nylon string.
* Roland Jazz Chorus
* effects pedals (varies)

Bass jobs:

R&B: P bass, bassman 50-2 15 cabinet.
Fusion: Carvin 6-string, Gallien Kruger rb-400, appropriate cabinet, effects
Trio jazz: Zeta or Kydd upright, or Goden fretless, Polytone mini-brute, appropriate

Whatever it takes...many other configurations,depending on the venue.
